Everything You Need To Know About Spider Veins

Spider veins are a problem that most people experience, but for some people, spider veins can be a chronic condition that causes pain and embarrassment. Fortunately, there are ways to take care of this common cosmetic issue with procedures like Sclerotherapy.

Spider veins are often mistaken for red, blue, or purple dots that one can see on the face, legs, or hands. What are spider veins? Do they go away by themselves? How do you treat them? These are not easy questions to answer and might have very different answers than you think.

This post provides an overview of spider veins.

What Are Spider Veins?

Spider veins, or telangiectases, are veins in the superficial capillaries that one can see on the surface of the skin. They are most common on the legs, but they can occur anywhere. The most common place to find them is on the calves, upper shins, ankles, and thighs.

What Is the Difference Between Spider Veins and Varicose Veins?

Varicose veins are blood vessel abnormalities caused by the weakening and stretching of the walls in an individual’s veins. Varicose veins can form at any point in a person’s body but are most likely to affect the legs because they carry more blood that has a long way to travel before getting back to the heart.

Spider veins typically do not have branches or connect to other spider veins. They are present in the mid-dermis and are smaller than varicose veins. Their appearance differs from varicose veins because they usually do not get larger when a person stands up, and they are smaller in size.

What Causes Spider Veins?

Most often, these veins will form due to increased blood flow. Usually, an injury or trauma will cause this effect. Some medical conditions, such as hormonal imbalance, can also cause spider veins.

Several risk factors contribute to the formation of spider veins, such as older age, obesity, family history, and pregnancy.

What Are the Symptoms of Spider Veins?

The symptoms of spider veins come about when a person is experiencing an increase in blood pressure. This is because the body’s natural reaction to a rise in blood pressure is to open the valve at the end of a vein, thus letting more blood flow through those veins. This causes those veins to show up on your skin’s surface. Unfortunately, this can cause pain and bleeding.

The most common symptom of spider veins is reddish or purplish lines on the skin (often found on the shins or near the ankles).

What Is the Treatment for Spider Veins?

Below are some of the medical procedures that doctors use to treat spider veins.


This process involves the injection of a chemical solution into the vein that causes it to shrink and harden, which prohibits blood flow and causes the problem vein to eventually fade away.

Surgical Removal

Surgical removal of spider veins is a procedure that causes the affected blood vessels to fade or disappear. The procedure involves removing the portion of the vein that is visible and damaging the underlying tissue to prevent it from filling up with blood again.

How Can I Prevent Spider Veins?

The best way to prevent spider veins is by maintaining a healthy weight, drinking less alcohol than usual, regularly exercising, eating a well-balanced diet, and avoiding sitting or standing for long periods.

Having spider veins is not only a cosmetic issue — it can also cause severe health problems because it can cause blood clots to form. If you are experiencing symptoms and would like to learn more about spider vein treatments, contact us at the Cardio Vascular Institute of Scottsdale today.

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Cardio Vascular Institute of Scottsdale