Types of Cardiovascular Diseases

Cardiovascular diseases continue to be a big threat in the United States. Statistics show that nearly 659,000 U.S. citizens die from heart problems yearly. Like other chronic conditions, cardiovascular problems subject the patients to pain. The continuous pain, especially in the chest and neck, causes discomfort and disruption of sleep patterns, among other problems.

Many factors increase the risk of cardiovascular problems. Examples are smoking, age, obesity, diabetes, chronic depression, lack of exercise, and genetic factors. Genetic mutations, for instance, interfere with the normal electrical system of the heart. As a result, a coordinated heart rhythm stops, hampering the normal blood flow.

Understanding different heart diseases will help you better manage various risk factors. Here is our detailed discussion to enlighten you about common cardiovascular problems.


The brain has several segmental arteries, which supply it with blood from the heart. Sometimes, a blood vessel in the brain can rupture or get blocked, cutting off the blood flow. As a result, oxygenated blood fails to reach the brain tissues and cells, causing a stroke. A hemorrhagic stroke happens when an artery bursts, causing bleeding in the brain. On the contrary, ischemic stroke happens when the blood flow to the brain gets blocked. A clot in the brain’s blood vessel can contribute to ischemic stroke.

A few tips can help you lead a life with reduced threat of a stroke. For example, exercise more, avoid smoking, reduce your blood pressure, and eat more fruits and veggies.


Also known as high blood pressure, the condition is a common cardiovascular condition globally. Hypertension happens when the blood in the heart flows at a higher force than usual. Narrow arteries cause high blood pressure. High blood pressure causes the heart to overwork to maintain the correct pressure. As a result, the threat of other risks like cardiac arrests increases.

Besides unhealthy lifestyles like smoking, various health conditions cause hypertension. Examples are kidney diseases, lupus, diabetes, and scleroderma. Medicines that can cause the condition include steroids, contraceptive pills, and some pain medications like Indomethacin.


Many refer to the disease as coronary artery disease or Coronary Heart Disease (CHD). Sometimes, plaque can build up inside the heart arteries. As a result, the arteries harden and thicken, becoming narrower and promoting hypertension.

CHD mainly affects people with obesity or overweight. Such risk factors cause some fat or cholesterol in the body to build up in the arteries as plaque. So, regular physical exercise is a significant way to reduce the risks of atherosclerosis.

Peripheral artery disease and carotid artery disease are similar to CHD. But, peripheral artery disease happens when the arteries that take blood to the legs and arms get affected. Carotid artery disease results when the arteries taking blood to the brain harden and thicken.

Arrhythmia/Heart Arrhythmias

This condition happens due to the interruption of the heart’s electrical system. Irregular heart rhythms occur when the heart’s electrical signals get interfered with. So, either tachycardia — slow heartbeat rates — or bradycardia — fast heartbeat rates — occurs.

Heart arrhythmias can be a sign of early cardiac arrest. So, don’t ignore the sign of a skipping, too fast, or too slow heartbeat rate. Common arrhythmia causes are CHD, drug abuse, sleep apnea, hypertension, and thyroid disease.

Arrhythmia has many other signs you should check out. For example, shortness of breath, especially during bradycardia. You can also experience chest pain, fatigue, or fainting.

Cardiovascular problems are a serious life threat you should not ignore. Visiting a professional doctor after noticing signs of heart problems shouldn’t be an option. A good doctor will diagnose the condition and offer you quality treatment for faster recovery.

Cardiovascular Institute of Scottsdale is a reputable and experienced center you can trust for your treatment. Contact us today for more information.

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Cardio Vascular Institute of Scottsdale